Year eleven
Pupils in year eleven have returned to school with maturity and a clear determination to succeed. This is an important year as we work towards the GCSE examinations in the summer of 2022. Our experienced team of tutors will work hard to support pupils and ensure they continue to make excellent progress. A range of opportunities have been organised to help pupils to make choices for their future in terms of careers and further education.
The tutor team
Mr M Littlewood- Pastoral leader
Mr L Fendick- Assistant pastoral leader
Ms L Mace - Form tutor 11LM
Ms S Pass - Form tutor 11SP
Mr P Biant - Form tutor 11PB
Ms A Woodward - Form tutor 11ANW
Ms C Coltman - Form tutor 11CCO
Your child’s form tutor should be your first point of contact for any help, concerns or information. Form tutors can be contacted vie email, but please remember that all our form tutors teach during the school day so may not respond immediately. If you have an issue of a more urgent nature please contact main school reception on 0115 9252698.
Tutor time
All pupils attend tutor time each morning with their form tutor, this is an important part of the school day as the register is taken and any notices and letters are given out.
In addition, each day will have a specific activity or focus designed to set out expectations for the day ahead.
Monday |
Assembly |
Tuesday |
Equipment check |
Wednesday |
Careers |
Thursday |
Revision tasks |
Friday |
Planner check/uniform check |
On Mondays, pupils should line up for assembly in the main school quad where they will be registered by their form tutor. Assembly is led by the year leader, with presentations from the senior leadership team, faculty leaders and outside visitors.
Tutor time and discovery days
All pupils have one lesson a week with their tutor (Wednesday, period four). In Year eleven, tutor time and the three discovery days are used for:
- Careers and Post sixteen guidance
- Intervention
The intervention programme is designed to highlight areas or subjects where pupils need to develop their skills, then place them in small groups where they will receive additional support from senior staff and faculty leaders. Pupils will be allocated to intervention groups based on current academic data and discussions with teaching staff.
Intervention groups will primarily focus on English, mathematics and science. Other subjects will be added after the mock examinations.
Post sixteen careers guidance
Our programme of specific post sixteen information, advice and guidance (IAG) will continue in year eleven. All pupils will attend an individual careers interview to discuss their post sixteen pathways and complete applications forms. Visits and taster sessions have been arranged for the autumn term to enable pupils to experience a range of both academic and vocational courses. Pupils will also have the opportunity to attend workshops delivered by outside providers on apprenticeships and other training options.
Form tutors will continue to support pupils and ensure that pupils are accessing the full range of support available, ensure that application forms have been completed and write references.
Pupils in year eleven have the opportunity to become school prefects. Nominations from staff are requested in the autumn term and a panel of senior staff select pupils who they feel demonstrate the school ethos of care, share, believe, achieve.
Pupil voice
Pupil voice is very important at Chilwell School. It is an opportunity for pupils to give their views and opinions regarding school life. In recent years feedback from pupil voice has helped design our new school uniform, change the menu in the canteen and expand the offer in activities week.
Each tutor group in year eleven will elect two representatives who will attend year council meeting with the year leader. These pupils will be responsible for expressing the views of the pupils in their tutor group and giving feedback following the meeting.