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Welcome to Chilwell School

Share, Care, Believe, Achieve

Life in the Sixth Form

Welcome to Lakeview at Chilwell School



I would like to take this opportunity to welcome and congratulate you in choosing to study at Lakeview sixth form at Chilwell. Post-16 is an exciting time of your life when you are narrowing your choices of study, gaining more independence and beginning to explore what you want out of life.

My vision as the Head of Sixth Form is to provide a learning environment in which you can flourish and be the best version of yourself. The sixth form here at Chilwell goes part way to realising this. The Lakeview building is a vibrant learning facility with plenty of space to study, socialise, as well as providing a central point for regular contact with members of the sixth form team. In addition, Lakeview is fortunate to have a team of hugely dedicated professionals who will provide you with high quality teaching and learning experiences, pastoral support and career guidance. A team of this nature is vital in ensuring you get the best possible experience during your time here.

Alongside your academic studies we aim to provide extra-curricular and enrichment opportunities that will enable you to leave Lakeview sixth form as a well-rounded, balanced and future ready young person. It is my ambition that each and every one of you will leave Lakeview sixth form with a unique personal brand; something which makes you stand out in a crowd. Hopefully together we can achieve this.

In time, I look forward to meeting you all in person and wish you all the very best in what is going to be both a challenging and rewarding two years of study. I hope this handbook goes some way to explain how we do things within the sixth form.

Yours sincerely,

Jason Nichols

Head of Sixth Form



Mr J Nichols, Head of Sixth Form

Mrs S Baxter-Williams, Deputy Head of Chilwell School

Mr Moss, Tutor

Ms Hepworth-Smith, Tutor

Mrs Foyster, Tutor

Mr. Lodge, Tutor

Mr I Batley, Tutor

Mrs E Ault, Tutor

Mr. Tetley, Tutor

Mrs K Tipping, Exams Officer

Mrs L Underdown, Careers Advisor

Mr R Wheatley, Network Manager

Mr M Lucas, ICT Manager




Students in year twelve generally study three subjects and follow a two year A level course. In addition pupils may study EPQ (Extended Project Qualification Level 3), Core Maths, re-sit English and/or Maths GCSE, PSHE and have timetabled (supervised) study sessions.

Subject 1

5 Periods

Subject 2

5 Periods

Subject 3

5 Periods


1 Period


2 Periods


2 Periods


2 Periods



Students in year thirteen continue to study the three subjects started in year twelve as part of the two year A level course. In addition pupils may study resit English and/or Maths GCSE, PSHCE and have timetabled (supervised) study sessions.


Subject 1

6 Periods

Subject 2

6 Periods

Subject 3

6 Periods


1 Period


2 Periods


The Chilwell School sixth form day in 2023-24 is organised into three double lessons, each 1hr 40 minutes in length. Break for sixth form is at 10:40am and lunch is at 12:40pm.


8:40am - 9:00am

Lesson 1 (inc break)

9:00am - 11.00am

Lesson 2 (inc lunch)

11.00am - 1:30pm

Lesson 3

1:30pm - 3:10pm

Enhancement sessions

3:20pm - 4:10pm



All lessons and homework tasks are uploaded onto Google Classroom. This is an invaluable resource for you to go back over what you have been learning; identify where you need to check for understanding and to use alongside your class notes when revising.

You will be encouraged to use a range of study skills including for example, Cornell Notes, as a way of organising your learning.


As well as Google Classroom you will also be expected to complete and submit work using Google Docs, Slides and possibly Sheets.


To help you manage your learning all Year 12 students are provided with a Chromebook. You will be required to make a deposit of £30 please see here for agreement.


Your tutor will play a significant role in providing pastoral care and they will be your daily point of contact. There is no denying Post 16 study is challenging and there might be times when you need someone to talk to, or simply support and guide you. This is where your tutor often steps in. Your tutor will also be responsible for delivering elements of PSHE/RSE and will play an active role in university and/or apprenticeship applications. In essence, your tutor is like your surrogate parent who might nag you on an occasion, but with the very best intentions of ensuring you are doing the right thing to maximise your potential. It goes without saying that as the head of sixth form, I will be relying heavily on my tutors to make sure we support and guide you in every way we can.


At Chilwell we have high expectations of all our students and this is part of what makes a successful sixth form. In my opinion, you are role models to those in the lower years; showing them what is the right way of doing things. As a sixth form student you will be expected to behave in a mature and responsible manner. Without going into great detail, I believe high expectations include high attendance, being punctual, having a positive attitude towards peers and staff, meeting deadlines, being in the appropriate dress and using mobile devices in a responsible way. Further, it is just as important that you have high expectations of yourself to reach your personal goals.


All students are expected to arrive at 8.40am for morning registration and tutorial activities. This is not optional. 

One of the key ingredients to success is being in the classroom as much as possible. Nothing matches the dynamic of learning from experienced subject teachers and your fellow peers. Therefore, attendance is priority and here at Chilwell where we set a target of 95%. Any figure below this is likely to have a detrimental impact on your ability to follow a sequence of learning and ultimately affect your final grades. Students who fall below this target will be monitored closely and appropriate action taken. The attendance policy will be shared in a separate document.

Initially, all Yr 12 students are expected to be in 6th form until the end of the day. You will engage in subject lessons and enrichment as well as supervised study sessions. At this stage, we want to assess your ability to work independently and effectively, and we feel that having you on site all day will give us the opportunity to monitor this most accurately. At the end of the first half term, we will have gauged how students are working and will introduce an earned autonomy approach.


Being on time is an important aspect of sixth form life, but also life in general. Here at Chilwell we expect students to respect the fact teachers have prepared lessons for your benefit, making it only right you are there on time to learn. This also includes tutor time which forms part of getting yourself ready for the day ahead, as well as it acting as a means to communicate several messages across the school week. Poor punctuality will be monitored closely and appropriate action taken.


The ability to meet deadlines is another important aspect of sixth form life, but also life in general. Here at Chilwell we expect students to submit work on time, unless there is a genuine reason for it not being so. Teachers work tirelessly and plan their working week around numerous commitments. Therefore, it is only right their time is respected and deadlines are met to allow them the appropriate time period to mark and give feedback. If deadlines are not met, teachers will reinforce expectations and report persistent offenders to the sixth form team.


As a full-time student at Chilwell sixth form you are not to partake in paid employment during the hours of the school day. You have chosen to study here and this must be your priority. The only exception to this is if you have taken on a paid role within the school e.g. lunchtime supervisor. In these circumstances, any paid role within the school must not impact on your timetabled lessons.


On GCSE results day, all applicants of the sixth form will have an identification photograph taken. This will assist in the issuing of identification badges on the first day of the academic year.

All students are issued with an identification badge and lanyard. These must be worn at all times. The badge will give you access to Lakeview and will allow you to sign in and sign out at times other than registration if you 

leave the school site. There will be regular spot checks to ensure that identification badges are being used appropriately as this is a safeguarding protection.

If the identification badge is misplaced or lost, this must be reported immediately. There will be a £5 charge to have a replacement issued.


It is imperative that you keep the school informed of any changes to the details you complete on the confidential form such as address, changes in telephone numbers, especially emergency telephone numbers. It is a requirement for the school to have the up to date contact information for at least two adults for each child.


Lakeview is a sixth form facility designed to enhance learning for all post-16 students at Chilwell School. There are specific classrooms for all faculty areas including three science laboratories and a media suite.

Additionally there are areas throughout Lakeview where students can work quietly or collaboratively in small groups. There is a common room and attached kitchen


Within the sixth form common area you will have access to a bank of lockers. These can be rented from school for a refundable charge of £5. You will be responsible for the key and if lost there will be a £5 charge to have a replacement issued.  


All sixth form students have access to the Bistro throughout the day. The Bistro is open between 8.30am and 14:30pm.

Students can pay for a range of meals, drinks and snacks through the school payment system, bank cards or through their phone.


A space is available with access to subject text books, wider reading materials and board games, designed to help students relax and work in relative peace. 


At Chilwell we want to promote independent learning in a nurturing environment. Your tutors and teachers have a wealth of experience and they will be providing you with plenty of advice about what is the best way to study individual subjects. We appreciate that every student is unique and there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach when it comes to effective study. However, please take note of these basic tips which will really help you cope with Post 16 study. These will be developed further throughout the school year.


Invest in a diary and use it to keep track of current assignments and homework deadlines. Make sure you have all the relevant equipment to actively participate in your classes. Simply packing your bag in the evening can really help for the following morning.


Poor attendance is detrimental to your learning and achievement. Gaps in your knowledge will start to appear and links between topics become difficult to grasp.


Remember to practice active listening by focusing on what your teacher is sharing and take notes as needed. Good notes help store information in your long-term memory at the time you write them. They will also be important for reviewing when completing homework, assessments, assignments and exams. It can often help to condense your notes after class to make them clear and easy to follow. Underline or highlight key points when doing so. If you miss a lesson, ask a peer for their notes and/or speak to the teacher.


Remember your teacher is a resource, so make effective use of them. Don’t be afraid to ask questions to clarify understanding and/or challenge concepts.


Break up your study load over several days. Research shows it helps to retain information far more readily than attempting to cram your workload in one long session. This also supports the ability to deeply ingrain information and retain it for the long term.


This is really helpful for time management and will support you in reaching your learning goals. Having a plan also helps with the motivation to study, keeping you organised around other hobbies and commitments and breaking your study into manageable blocks so nothing is rushed or last minute.


Simply re-reading isn’t engaging with your notes. Try using active learning techniques like creating concept maps and diagrams, explain concepts to yourself step by step, formulating questions and problems you can come back to and solve, create a quiz and become a teacher by teaching your peers.



It is important to have a designated study area that is free from distraction and will allow you to study effectively. The Lakeview building has places for this purpose and there will be other places to go and find quiet time. Having such places creates the mind set of being ready to get your head down to learn. Mobile phones can be a huge distraction to learning, therefore switch it off (or at least turn off the notifications).


Get someone to test you or test yourself; this is great for knowledge retrieval and helps long term retention. Practice, practice, practice is key. Using past papers, mark schemes and examiners reports will make a substantial difference to your ability to apply what you have learnt, as well preparing you for mock and real exams.


One of the best ways to study is to share the experience with your peers. It benefits to find a study buddy and/or form a study group with like minded people. This helps keep you motivated, to stay accountable, to test what you know, to challenge and offer advice and to share resources such as textbooks.


As well as your academic progress, emotional health and wellbeing is a priority at Chilwell. If you feel you are struggling at any point, in the first instance, you can speak to your tutor. As the head of sixth form I will also be a point of contact when times are proving difficult. In addition, Post 16 students have access to the school counsellor on an appointment basis.

As a Post 16 team we are interested in your development as a whole person; both growth of character and intellect. Alongside your chosen courses you will have a dedicated PSHE/RSE lessons on your timetable where you will get the opportunity to learn about several important topics such as being physical and mental wellbeing, internet safety, healthy eating, drugs and alcohol, living in a wider world, first aid, professional skills, voting and driving safety. In early September and October of Year 13, there will be time allocated to write personal statements for university and applications for apprenticeships.

In tutor time each morning you will follow a programme designed to support your emotional well-being, future ready skills such as presentation and building confidence, as well as develop your understanding of current issues in society today. In addition, to support this and other aspects of PSHE/RSE, there will be discovery days where the timetable is suspended for the day. On these days we will look to invite guest speakers who can provide their invaluable experience on a range of subject matters which will help support your learning journey at Chilwell.

Throughout your two years of study your tutor will play a crucial role in supporting your pastoral needs. They will arrange one to one mentoring sessions with you, but also have regular conversations about your progress and general well-being. They will also be the person to write your reference for university and employment. On this note, it helps to keep this person on side!

DIARY DATES - 2024/2025

Autumn Term begins: 

Wednesday 4th September 2024 (Y7 and Y12)

Autumn Term begins: 

Thursday 5th September 2024 (Y8, Y9, Y10, Y11 and Y13)

Half Term:

Monday 21st October – Friday 1st November 2024

Autumn Term ends:

Friday 20th December 2024

Spring Term begins:

Tuesday 7th January 2025

Half Term:

Monday 17th – Friday 21st February 2025

Spring Term ends:

Friday 4th April 2025

Summer Term begins:

Tuesday 22nd April 2025

May Day bank holiday:

Monday 5th May 2025

Half Term:

Monday 26th May to Friday 30th May 2025

Summer Term ends:

Friday 25th July 2025


Monday 2nd Sept, Tuesday 3rd September, Monday 6th January, Monday 28th July and Tuesday 29th July

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