SEND support
Chilwell Learning Support Faculty
SEND Mission statement
Here at Chilwell School we aim to be as inclusive as possible and work hard to ensure that all pupils, regardless of their specific needs, can comfortably make the best possible progress in school. In line with the SEND Code of Practice, we work hard to ensure the rights of all pupils are respected and make ‘reasonable adjustments’ to allow students to join in the full range of activities available to them within school.
Fundamental Principles of SEND Provision at Chilwell School:
- Any pupil with special educational needs should have their needs met as far as provision allows
- The special educational needs of pupils will normally be met in mainstream lessons. However, there may be occasions when more individual provision is required according to an individual pupil’s needs
- Parents and carers play a vital role in supporting education and will be kept informed and involved with provision for their child
- Pupils with SEND should be offered access to a broad education. Guidance will be offered when it is thought appropriate to reduce the curriculum to satisfy the needs of individuals
Teaching staff practice high quality teaching and differentiation as a first response to ensure all individual students’ needs are met. We also have a team of experienced support staff who provide individual and small group support.
The Learning Support Team undertakes a range of strategies and procedures to support pupils in coping with school, academically, emotionally, physically and socially. The following provision are currently in place:
- Support in class across the curriculum for children with complex needs.
- Key stage 3 Nurture group for lower ability/socially vulnerable pupils who may find the transition to secondary more difficult
- Interventions to develop basic literacy skills
- Interventions aimed at encouraging pupils towards independent learning
- Assisting subject faculties with differentiation
- Pupils with physical difficulties have specific and practical help according to their needs.
- ARNA room for students who suffer from extreme anxiety
- A sensory room
- Social skills support for students with autism
- BIO (By Invitation Only) Club, providing break and lunchtime structured support
- “Time out” to pupils experiencing emotional and/or behavioural difficulties including internal exclusions.
- One to one mentoring from trained Learning Support staff
- Pupils with EAL are given extra sessions in language development
- Paired Reading (Reading Buddies) with older pupils
- Accelerated reading package to support students with reading ages below ARE
Chilwell school is determined to ensure that the site, curriculum and information are accessible to all learners and partners and our statement of principles and actions can be found in our accessibility plan.