9th February 2024
Recently in sixth form...
Last week, the remainder of students who were still grappling with getting their applications submitted, managed to do so before the deadline. This is never an easy task alongside their studies. Already, many are starting to receive offers from a range of institutions and courses. We can only wish them all the best and they can now fully focus on working hard to achieve their goals in the summer exams.
Lunar New Year
A small group of Year 13 students decorated Lakeview to celebrate Lunar New Year. It was great to see them take the initiative and promote the diverse culture within the sixth form community.
Enterprise challenge
Year 12 students have been working on an enterprise challenge during tutor time. This has been a fantastic opportunity for them to develop their soft skills such as teamwork, creativity, communication and presentation skills. They will be presenting their work after half term and prizes will be awarded for the best concept.
NTU apprenticeship event
As part of National Apprenticeship week, a small group of Year 13 students went along to Nottingham Trent University to talk with a range of local and national employers. This proved a helpful experience and has given these students a real flavour for what opportunities are out there.