Year eleven and thirteen information evening
We will be holding an online information evening on 4th February for students and their parents to provide as much information as possible on summer grading.
The presentation slides from the meeting are below. The questions raised and answers in the meeting are below:
- You have already given predicted grades, why can’t you use them and avoid the additional stress for the pupils?
The guidance from Ofqual is clear that we should continue to teach all pupils until the end of the academic year, with final assessments being made as late as possible to give pupils the maximum opportunities to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding. The assessment evidence used to inform predicted grades issued earlier in the year, will continue to form part of the evidence base used to award the final grade. Whilst some pupils may feel that their previously issued predicted grades reflect their accedemic performance, other may welcome the opportunity to improve on them.
- Can you indicate when results may be available?
This is still under consideration as part of the consultation process, some indications have been made that they intend to try and issue final grades earlier than in previous years, but this has not been confirmed yet.
- Will individual's emotional wellbeing and the impact of lockdowns be taken into consideration when awarding grades- these might not be reflective of true potential.
We are still awaiting confirmation from Ofqual regarding how grades will be awarded, which we hope will give further clarification regarding how the impact of lockdown on individual pupils can be considered when making judgements.
- The letter offering pupils a place at Chilwell Sixth Form has a signed piece at the bottom when does this have to be returned?
We have confirmed that all offers made of a place in our sixth form will be guaranteed. To enable us to make plans for the next academic year it is important that pupils accept their place as soon as possible. This can be done by returning the slip on the bottom of the letter by post or by emailing the school office.
- Mocks for year 13 were scheduled to happen from March 8th, will these take place?
Mocks for Year 13 will NOT take place in March as scheduled. We are still awaiting confirmation on which day all pupils will return to school (on site provision) and feel that when this does happen the priority will be pupils settling back into school. Further information regarding any possible formal assessment schedule will be issued once we have received the final guidance from Ofqual.
- When is the next parents evening going to be for year 11?
Once we receive clarification from Ofqual regarding the process and detail of how grades will be awarded, we will confirm dates for parents evenings for both Year 11 and Year 13.
- Apologies we had Internet issues so couldn't get on the zoom. Any chance we could have a copy of the meeting.
Slides from the presentation are available at the bottom of this page.
- Examination entries - I could not see where this needed be submitted only a PDF document, also my child’s name is not spelt correctly
The exam entry statement can be found by going to the Parent Portal, selecting the appropriate child and then going to the "Reports and Documents" section.
Please read and check all the details.
If all the information is correct, please confirm this by completing the online form. The form can be found by going to the "Forms" section in WeDuc. There are two forms, one for Year 11 (Year 11 Exams) and one for Year 13 (Year 13 Exams).
If there are any errors on the Exam Entry Statement (name misspelt, missing subject etc), please email our exams officer so that the appropriate amendments can be made.
- I am not sure why we need to submit whether we want each subject exam to be entered? I would have thought each child would be entered for the exam. It is not usually an option at this stage?
Despite formal exams being cancelled we are still required to make exam entries to the exam boards, this is to ensure that they are aware of which pupils they need to confirm grades for and which pupils they need to issue certificates to. It is therefore essential that you double check your child's exam entry statement and confirm that all their subjects are listed correctly. Please also check the spelling and accuracy of their personal details (name etc) as this is what will appear on their certificates (it is very expensive and difficult to change certificates once they have been issued).