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Welcome to Chilwell School

Share, Care, Believe, Achieve

18th October 2024

We continued to have a number of school tours in the final week of this half-term and this is a reminder to ensure that secondary applications are with the local authority by 31st October.

Arts events at Chilwell
We have a number of arts experiences for students next half term, with joint events planned with the Theatre Royal, including careers visits and work experience for our drama students as well as a number of musical events in the run up to Christmas. We are a school committed to ensuring all children have a full arts experience and there is even more planned for later in the year!

Lost property
We have updated our procedures regarding lost and found items. To help ensure the safety and security of your child's belongings, we encourage students to avoid bringing valuable items such as electronics or jewellery to school. The school will not be responsible for any personal items lost or stolen on school grounds.
If your child loses an item, please have them report it to Student Services. If a lost item is found, it will be held in Student Services for a specified period. Unclaimed items may be disposed of or donated after a reasonable amount of time.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Sixth form taster day and open evening 
We had a fantastic day on Thursday, starting with our sixth form taster day and followed by a highly successful open evening.
In the evening, we welcomed prospective students and parents to our open evening. The atmosphere was buzzing as visitors toured the facilities, spoke with staff, and learnt about the opportunities and support available at our sixth form. We’re thrilled with the turnout and the positive feedback we’ve received.
Thank you to everyone who attended and helped make the day so memorable! If you could not make it, don’t worry—there will be more chances to visit and learn about our sixth form in the near future.

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