24th June 2022
It has been a very active week, with welcomes and farewells in equal quantities
Working with our primaries
Our year nine sports leaders went to the Lanes Primary school on Thursday to assist with their sports day. It was clear that they had a fantastic day and I was delighted with the thanks and appreciation from those involved. It is vital that schools work together and we are really pleased with the strength of our family partnerships and the opportunities our students have to help.
On Thursday we had the final year eleven examination and then had lots of tutor group photographs and shirt signing. That was followed today by the final assembly for year eleven and it was an emotional time, thanking the tutors, handing out awards, giving a further update on our sixth form provision and recognising the achievements of the year group. Many thanks to Mr Widdowson and all of the year eleven tutors in the support and guidance they have offered students over the last five years.
Next week will be the year eleven and year thirteen proms and we look forward to celebrating together.
New opportunities
Next week we welcome a number of new staff into the school as part of the preparation for September and by the end of the week will be promoting our extended offer for students to take part in enhancement activities. We already have a number of students out over the next few weekends on the Duke of Edinburgh expeditions and a number of new clubs and activities have already started up in preparation for the new academic year.
It's hot!
The temperatures in school have been very hot at the earlier part of the week and we are very aware that the building is not as efficient as we would like at keeping rooms cool. Please can you ensure that students have a container for water in school and we will also continue to ensure that students have the opportunity to remove blazers in order to keep cool. In a few weeks we will have sports day and again we are making plans to ensure that if it is very warm, students are not outside for too long.