From Monday 5th December we move in to the mock examination season for year eleven and year thirteen students. Students will be expected to be in school for each and every examination on their timetable and they have all been provided with their own examination timetable to ensure they are...
Our year elevens fought a brave match on Wednesday against West Bridgford. It was fantastic to see them in their new kit and just a shame that the game ended in defeat. We look forward to their next match and the opportunity to progress further in the cup.
Friday of this week has been a sportswear day to raise money for Children in Need. We appreciate all the monies raised from families today. Our total currently stands at £779.41.
On Thursday of this week we held our first Discovery day of the year. It was a lovely day, with opportunities for students in key stage three to explore a range of cultural activities and for students in key stages four and five to take the opportunity to plan the next steps in their education.
Parents of current year seven pupils met with tutors last night via our online meeting app. Thank you for all the positive comments that we received and also the opportunity to answer any questions about the first half-term's activities. It is clear that our year sevens have settled in real...
The news of the death of Queen Elizabeth has dominated all other news this week.
In our assembly on Friday we considered our heritage and treasuring the values of our society as we face the future.