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Our School

Welcome to Chilwell School.

We are committed to giving the best opportunities in order to develop success in our students. We want all involved with Chilwell school to enjoy the pleasure of learning and the excitement of new challenges.

We understand the importance of informed choice in education. As a school we focus our energies on enabling students to make the best choices every day. We are committed to a caring environment with a focus on high expectations and excellent behaviour.

Making the change from primary school to secondary school is an exciting time, with many new opportunities. It can also be a time when students are full of expectation and perhaps a little nervousness. This is why we are committed to ensuring that the process of transition is as smooth as possible.

We are a school that believes strongly in partnership and so this informs our approach to working with parents. Through this, we can ensure that our children are supported to be the best they can be.

Our curriculum is broad and challenging, with a focus on developing key skills. We know that a strong education is based upon the building blocks of core skills, high challenge and a breadth of opportunity. A Chilwell education ensures that our students make strong progress to be confident adults.

Commitment to a successful education means a commitment to good behaviour, hard work and a respect for others. At Chilwell school we expect these from all who work and study here. We are proud that students and parents recognise that a Chilwell education is an academic education and so much more.

We encourage students to have respect for themselves and all other members of the school community and to take responsibility for their actions. It is the right and responsibility of all students to achieve their full potential and to get the most from their education.

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