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School uniform SWAP or SHOP

As part of our commitment to our community, we continuously look at ways to support our families.

At each event, you can come along and buy items of pre-loved uniform for a small donation. Alternatively, you can bring uniform items and swap them for something else. So, for example, if your child has outgrown their blazer or PE kit, you can swap it for a bigger one (subject to availability).

Our next event will be held in December 2024 (3.30pm - 5.00pm) - date to be confirmed.

Parents and carers from any year group can come along to swap or purchase uniform items.

Year 6 students joining in September will have the opportunity to purchase items at our transition evening in July 2025 (6pm - 8pm).

In addition, to help us to ensure we have enough items available for each event, we continue to accept any uniform items you no longer need and are willing to donate. We are particularly keen to hold stock of PE kit items and blazers as these are the most expensive items to buy new.

Please note that all donated items must be in good, clean and wearable condition.

If you would like to donate any items, please drop them in the box located in reception.

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