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Keeping motivated and staying well

CONNECT - practising Mindfulness and what you can do next...

Hello everyone!

I do hope this finds you all well. I appreciate how difficult this is for you, not knowing what is happening with assessments, or even what this means. We do know that there won't be exams, but we don't know what they are to be replaced with. We all understand this is a cause of anxiety for you - I wish I could give you information, but to date, I have none.

What I can do is advise you. 

Chilwell Sixth form has a great reputation. So, please listen to your teachers. Keep working hard. Revise thoroughly. Do what you always did, and you will continue to do well. I have every confidence in you. You, in turn, should have every confidence in your teachers.

I think we should have a film/programme/book/article/thing that entertained us the most this week. Email me with your thoughts so that we can share.

I also think it would be helpful for us all to practise some Mindfulness.  Here's your first challenge, starting with CONNECT

This is about relationships, with family and friends. Here are some things to try this week:


• Make a playlist of your favourite songs and share it with your friends.

• If you like cooking, share the recipe for your favourite creation with someone. 

• Think about someone who might be lonely at this time and send them some ‘happy post’ to cheer them up

Routines are Important

Please keep to a routine - get up, get dressed, go to registration just as usual - this is the best way to get through lock-down.

Do remember, I am just an email away.

I do miss you, and am looking forward to seeing you all back in school.

Best wishes,


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