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Recycling project in place

Plastics in our seas, deforestation and climate change have received increasing news coverage in recent months.

Having realised that our school and college did not recycle, the sixth form began a project. Another student and I were particularly passionate about this as we are both intending to study Wildlife Conservation and Marine Science degrees at University. Along with the help of our head of sixth form we began researching fundraising projects that would help us with the cost of bins, where on the site we could recycle and how it could be organised using rotas. We also went into assemblies along with the science department to raise awareness and find volunteers to help us empty the bins everyday.

Currently we are recycling paper and cardboard in the entire sixth form building and along the Humanities corridor. The bins require emptying everyday which is done after college along with students ranging from year 7 to year 11. An order for 30 more bins is soon to be placed to allow us to recycle along the English and Languages corridor.

The varied age groups and dedication to the weekly rota reflects the enthusiasm to help with the project and we hope that our small project can make even the smallest difference and inspires others to do what they can to save the world.

Lizzie Burrows -West

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