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19th July 2024

Sports Day!
With a delay of a day to allow the ground to dry out, the school's competitors took part in a range of track events on Thursday morning. With a new school 1500m record already set earlier in the week by Will H in Y8, expectations were high and it proved to be an exciting day, with tutor group tug of war events taking up the afternoon. 

Music theatre showcase
On Tuesday the theatre was full for a wonderful evening of musical theatre. The musical theatre Cygnus group have been working on a range of pieces in the after school club and it was a treat to see such a talented group of students perform with confidence and energy, as well as raising donations of £268 to support the arts and the MS Society. Thank you to them and to Mrs Foyster, Mr Batley and Ms O'Donnell. We continue to celebrate the value of music and drama as part of a broad education.

Mus:Ed 2024
Also this week, we took a number of students to the Mus:Ed festival at the Albert Hall in Nottingham to take part in music skills workshops, large group performance opportunities, and open-mic sessions. With a focus on music at KS3, the day was really successful for our instrumentalists and singers. 

RSC / TRCH associate programme
We are thrilled to be an associate school of the Royal Shakespeare Company and The Theatre Royal, Nottingham from the beginning of the new academic year! This will offer our staff and students direct access to the expertise within these companies and means that our students will be able to have exclusive access to RSC tours, backstage tours and our staff will be involved in professional development led by the RSC to inform and extend our teaching of Shakespeare. We are one of eight schools in the Nottingham area that has been selected for this RSC funded programme and we are really looking forward to it! Further information can be found in our news item.

Health and social care visit to NUH
On Monday year twelve health and social care students visited the Trent Simulation Centre in Nottingham University Hospital. The simulation centre is normally used as teaching laboratories for medical and nursing students.  The students were given a practical demonstration in how to carry out the ABCDE assessment on a new patient in the hospital. With the help of "Larry" the simulation robot, the students were able to read Oxygen levels and administer intubation tubes and cannulas to aid the recovery of Larry. Unfortunately, at the end of the session, our patient "Larry" effectively died and the students did an amazing job of responding and administering Oxygen and CPR to revive Larry. You will be pleased to hear that year twelve health and social care students managed to recover Larry! The students are to be commended for their excellent behaviour and willingness to learn in the session.

End of term
School will finish at 12.00pm next Friday. For those looking to the start of next term, dates can be found here.

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