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28th June 2024

This week was one of both formal and fun farewells for year eleven and year thirteen students as well as a focus on our developments for students as we approach a new academic year. With buildings going up, new projects being agreed and an enhanced pastoral support in place, the new year will be an exciting one!

Uniform Swap Shop Our next event is on 3rd July 2024 (3.30pm - 5.00pm)
At each event, you can come along and buy items of pre-loved uniform for a small donation. Alternatively, you can bring uniform items and swap them for something else. So, for example, if your child has outgrown their blazer or PE kit, you can swap it for a bigger one (subject to availability). Parents and carers from any year group can come along to swap or purchase uniform items.
Year 6 students joining in September will have the opportunity to purchase items at our transition evening on 11th July (6pm - 8pm). Visit our website for more details on this event.

Sister Act
We are really pleased that our students, Isaac and Elise, will be performing in Sister Act Jr in July at the Nottingham Arts Theatre. If you fancy a great night out, go along!

Y13 and Y11 celebrations
On Thursday, our year thirteen celebrated the end of their time at Chilwell with an evening meal out in Nottingham. They were joined by staff to share memories and chat about their hopes for the future. We wish them all well.

On Monday, our year eleven gathered for a final assembly and on Tuesday went and had fun at Alton Towers. Tonight they will be in their finest clothes at their prom - we look forward to a great evening and the start of a long summer.

Of course we will all meet again at the results days in the summer and we have high hopes for everyone. For students starting Lakeview sixth form in September, we have our transition day on Tuesday 2nd July from 8.40am.

Preparations for next year
Some of us were fortunate to get a look inside our new languages block as it takes shape ready for next year. We are really excited about this additional teaching space in the preparations we have for next year. As we develop our educational offer, we create new space, review current structures and attract new staff. Today we welcomed six new staff to an induction day before they join us in September. This week has also been a week for planning for both our faculty leads and pastoral leads to ensure that the school continues to enhance provision year on year.

Leadership day

On Wednesday, some of our year sevens went to Wings school to take part in an inclusive leadership day. The day was led by ex-professional tennis player, Jade Windley and was all about helping our students develop leadership skills. Our students took on the challenges and did the school proud whilst learning more about themselves and the qualities required to be a leader. It was a great day, well done!

Influencing the future
The school continues to do what we can to ensure we have influence beyond our own walls. On Wednesday, we met with the police, local primary schools and Broxtowe Council to push for more co-ordination across the area to ensure a safe and calm environment in our town and our streets for everyone who lives in Chilwell and Beeston. We want the momentum to continue, especially in the lead up to the summer break and so the invitation remains open to other secondary schools to join us and extend the influence further.

On Monday, the school was chosen to present strategies for a new generation of leaders at a national conference for newly appointed head teachers. As a school that is proud to have independence and autonomy over its future, it was good to share the message that it is possible to find that route in today's educational landscape.

On a day when the organisation promoting multi-academy trusts trumpets a new realisation of civic responsibility, we continue to get on with what we have been doing for years, serving our community and going beyond the classroom. 

Activities week
The last few weeks have been busy with evening presentations for parents and students on the extensive range of opportunities we have in the forthcoming activities week. As we move close towards the end of term, we are excited about how much we offer at the school and the experiences available to children.

After a very warm start to the week, we are now back to 'normal' British weather and so usual uniform expectations are back in place for next week.

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