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26th August 2022

Welcome to the school year 2022-23

I hope that you have all had a wonderful summer and that our students are ready for a successful year. This is a reminder of some of the procedures and changes that we have in place for this year.

I am so thrilled with all the work that has taken place over the summer and the opportunities that we have in place for our students. As a growing school community we start the year with a number of new staff, adding to the skilled and experienced colleagues who have developed the school over a number of years.

Fifty years of Chilwell School!

2022-23 will be a wonderful year for Chilwell school. It will be the fiftieth year since we first accepted students into the school and we will have a number of events through the year to celebrate. We especially welcome the new year sevens who walk through the doors for the first time, fifty years after their peers from the past.

Start of term

This is a reminder that our school day starts at 8.40am when all students are expected to be in registration. The day pattern is as follows, with years seven and eight having an earlier break and lunch.

Registration 8:40 - 9:00 am
Lesson 1 (inc break) 9:00 - 11:00 am
Lesson 2 (inc lunch) 11:00am - 1:30 pm
Lesson 3 1:30pm - 3:10 pm
Cygnus enhancement sessions 3:20 - 4:10 pm

The formal day ends for all students at 3.10pm, with our Cygnus enhancement activities starting at 3.20pm on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

The new term starts on Thursday 1st September 2022 for year sevens and twelves and Friday 2nd September 2022 for all other year groups.


Please make sure that students are fully equipped with uniform and equipment for the start of term. Uniform requirements are published on our website. We continue to be committed to ensuring that uniform is affordable and reasonably priced. All students and new parents were reminded at the end of the summer term of our school policy that there should only be a maximum of one pair of ear studs, natural colour hair and no false nails / nail varnish. Students and parents have also been given advance notice that late timing of new piercings would not be an acceptable reason for failing to remove additional piercings.

A Level and GCSE results

With the release of the GCSE and A level results we are delighted that our policy of ensuring our sixth form is accessible continues to lead to strong outcomes for our students. Please see here for our recognition of the efforts of our students. Both results days were a pleasure, with lots of students celebrating and preparing for the next stage of their educational journey.


The sixth form experience at Chilwell school has always been known for the high quality of care and support we offer students and over the summer the Lakeview building has been completely refurbished. With new catering facilities, a new common room, and redecoration throughout, Lakeview at Chilwell will continue to grow and develop as the significant sixth form provision in the area. 

Increased catering provision

We now have an additional catering facility which means that all year groups will have their own dedicated catering facility at lunchtimes with an enhanced menu offer across the site. Sixth form students will have use of the Lakeview facility throughout the day where we have fresh "200°" coffee and snacks available.


We have refurbished our toilet areas and this means that students have new facilities to use. These are modern and airy and again we are pleased that this will enhance students’ well-being in school.

Exercise equipment 

We have had outdoor exercise equipment installed near the music block and we look forward to it getting lots of use in the new year!

Cycle storage

The entrance for year sevens and eights has been resurfaced so that students can more easily bring in their bicycles and park them.

Cygnus programme

Students will have the Cygnus activity that they have been allocated on their timetable. A number of activities have been oversubscribed and we have done our best to ensure that students can access one of their choices where possible. We will be taking attendance registers and reviewing the provision before the end of the autumn term to make adjustments where necessary.

We look forward to starting the new term!

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