17th June 2022
Next week will be the final week of formal education for our year eleven students. After their last cohort examination we will be taking photographs of tutor groups and going though the process of shirt signing.
On Friday, the formal leavers assembly will take place and will be an opportunity for us to celebrate together the memories and achievements of this year group.
We would ask that students donate their blazers and ties so that we can ensure we have a stock in school to support other families and we appreciate all donations. As a little incentive this year we are holding a uniform raffle in school on Friday 24th as part of leavers events. Every year eleven student who hands in their tie to student services will receive one raffle ticket and every year eleven student who hands in their blazer will receive 5 raffle tickets. The raffle will be drawn at the end of the day and the lucky winner will receive a £50 Amazon voucher.
We have been issuing Chromebooks to year twelve students and would ask that those who have not yet completed the agreement do so, so that we can ensure Chromebooks are issued well before the end of term.
Sports day will soon be upon us and we have asked form tutors to complete the entries for their tutor group. This is a chance for anyone who wants to test out their athletic skills as well as be part of what is always a lovely day.
On Wednesday and Thursday of this week we held online information evenings with parents of year eight and year six students. In July we will have a face to face event in school with all of our new intake and we are very much looking forward to that. We value the convenience of online meetings as well as the pleasure of meeting people face to face and discussing the future in person.
It has been odd not being in school for the last few days as I have been meeting with fellow school leaders at the ASCL council meeting in Sheffield. The focus has been on how schools ensure that there is a curriculum that is fit for purpose and it has been good to talk about how the broad curriculum at Chilwell, enhanced by our plans for next year, can really ensure that our students achieve and enjoy their learning.