11th September 2020
We have now reached the end of the first full week back and it has been a pleasure to be back as a community.
Students have been very co-operative with the new routines and it is clear that these routines are protecting the two most important elements of school - staying safe and focussing on learning.
We have only needed to make one small adjustment and this has been the social areas that we have set aside for year eight and year eleven students. The year groups have taken these changes in their stride and breaks and lunchtimes have been positive experiences, with students able to spend time talking with friends before returning to classes.
We are already looking forward to our open evenings for students joining us next year in year seven and year twelve - more details on these can be found in the news section of our website.
Thank you to all parents who are dropping off and collecting students - please continue to use the far side of the car park so that we can ensure students are not crossing bubbles.
Thank you to all for ensuring that the first week has been positive.