6th March 2020
After informing parents of the measures we have put in place as a response to the current health situation, I have been really pleased with the response of students.
There continue to be some students who do not have a tissue to hand and I am reminding students in assemblies of the importance of personal care.
In addition to this, we have had a week of assemblies from the British Transport Police and Network Rail over the importance of safety near train tracks. There have been incidents recently and we want to do everything to ensure our students stay safe.
However, at the same time it is important to keep things in perspective and on Wednesday I was able to catch a short part of the fantastic football game for our year eleven squad against Rushcliffe school. I am delighted they are now through to the semi finals of the county cup.
You will have been informed that our week has been somewhat disrupted next Wednesday with the cancellation of Discovery Day through one of the major events deciding to cancel. We plan to still continue with the vocational day for our year twelve students.
Thank you for your continued support. We aim to continue with the important job of education and find ways around the challenges that come to face us.